Great Britain SailGP Team helmed by Ben Ainslie sail past spectators on Navy Pier on Race Day 1 of the T-Mobile United States Sail Grand Prix | Chicago at Navy Pier, Lake Michigan, Season 3, in Chicago, Illinois, USA. 18th June 2022. Photo: Chloe Knott for SailGP. Handout image supplied by SailGP









The Project
Sir Ben Ainslie, Hannah Mills OBE and the Great Britain SailGP Team declared their ambition to help over 1 million young people take action to protect nature, people and the planet, by launching 'Protect Our Future' a climate education platform with the team's Charity partner, the 1851 Trust.
The programme aims to empower and equip young people and educators with skills and knowledge to understand climate science and take positive action.
The programme aims to empower and equip young people and educators with skills and knowledge to understand climate science and take positive action.
The Challenge
Develop a new brand for both the Great Britain SailGP Team and the 1851 Trust. The aim was for a multi-faceted circular brand and workmark to be adapted for Great Britain SailGP Team to carry on their F50 race boat, enabling them to take the brand and message to mass markets and audiences across the globe on the SailGP race circuit.
The focus was on collaboration, preservation and protection and the creative team at Into the Blue took inspiration from, earth elements and the united nations sustainable development goals. The Reindeer Cyclone, a spectacular phenomenon of nature that takes place in the Arctic Circle and sees the herd come together to protect their young and vulnerable. The Ocean, Marine Wildlife and Miami street art.
The Result
The overarching name protect is used as a precursor for a multitude of different pathways and projects, for exmple; Protect our future, our pitch, our patch, our ocean.
Great Britain SailGP Team launched their F50 race boat in it's newly adopted colours of the Flying Fish in San Francisco at the final SailGP event of season 2. This coincided with the launch of the beta version of The Protect Our Future climate education platform.
The Great Britain SailGP Team, together with the 1851 Trust, is now aiming to work with new partners to turn this vision into a reality.